The Last Shaman (2016) 2

Egy évek óta mélydepresszióval küzdő amerikai férfi a dél-amerikai dzsungelek mélyére utazik, hogy egy ayahuasca nevű, ősi hallucinogén főzet és egy sámán segítségével kigyógyuljon betegségéből.



Guillermo Arevaloönmaga
James Freemanönmaga
Pepe Vasquezönmaga
Máson Freemanönmaga
Sherry Haydock Freemanönmaga

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In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself. (Jiddu Krishnamurti)


People are much more concerned about making a dollar than helping someone. The healing, the true healers are out there, but they're hard to find. And the true healers don't charge.


I never had self-love. I didn't know the source of love. I didn't know how to find that wholeness. That fulfillment, that completeness, that feeling of well-being, of internal love. The answers that society provided for me was that comes from a woman, or that comes from being rich, or that comes from being famous and liked by people and being popular. I don't think those answers are true.


I'm not here to rule the world, I'm not here to be somebody big. I'm here to be very small part of something much larger than myself, and that's extremely liberating.


If you've experienced depression, you know, I'm not just a little bit sad. I wake up every day, you know, just feeling like, just hell.


Forgivness is not something you just logically understand and flip a switch. You get hurt and it takes work to come out of. But when that depression and that hurt and that anger, that whole fucking thing goes so deep that you can't even feel your own body anymore, man… I read books, I tried to understand why this happened. I go. I go to therapy, I meditate, I try to do good things, and I say, I tell my parents I love them, I swallow it even when I don't want to. I do every single fucking thing! Every single thing.


– Our grandfathers were people that worked for the benefit of the community. Now that has changed because of the ayahuasca business.

Pepe is getting worried that all of this is going to create a very different atmosphere down here. And there's going to be jealousy, and the issues of money are going to start affecting everyone here.


I think a shaman is someone who looks at the world and doesn't see matter devoid of spirit. He sees life in everything, he sees an intelligence that weaves its way through our body, through the rocks, through the trees, through the sky, through the entire cosmos. And it's an intelligence that is far greater than anything man can understand or comprehend.

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